Wednesday 18 January 2017

[Review] Marvel Legends All-New All-Different Spider-Man 2099

Truth be told, I have zero idea about this guy's story. I've always wanted to start reading Spider-Man comics but haven't yet found the time to do so; considering how there are hundreds of issues for the many Spider people. Despite that, I've always liked how the first Marvel Legends Spider-Man 2099 looked and this All-New version made me love it even more.

 Front and back of packaging

 Sides of packaging featuring Spider-Man 2099 and Spider UK

The figure features a new body mold but retains the awesome butterfly joints that will do every Spider person justice. And what is there to not like about the awesome pearl white, metallic red and matte black color combo? It's freaking awesome!

Unfortunate though, my figure was THAT close to being perfect if not for the black dot on the white part of the right butterfly joint and scratch marks on the white paint above the waist. Nevertheless, for the most part, the paint applications are incredibly crisp and pretty much well-executed from head to toe.

The parts that are missing paint are at the wrist hinge where it should've been painted red and also at the waist where there should be blue highlights (since Hasbro did paint them at the shoulders and feet). Although it is great that Hasbro had the highlights painted, a brighter shade of blue would've worked better to simulate the glow shown in the comics.


Ball-jointed head and hinged neck

Butterfly joint

 Shoulder swivel and hinge, bicep swivel, double-jointed elbow and wrist swivel and hinge

Ab crunch

Ball-jointed hips can kick this high

Waist swivel, thigh swivel, double-jointed knees, shin swivel and ankle pivot and rotation

Although it is nice of Hasbro to include a shin swivel articulation, it looks really ugly when in use. Because of the way the shin is shaped and the paint on its side, rotating will make the leg look broken and paint unaligned.

Spider-Man 2099's widest stance with both feet flat on the ground.

The only gripe I have is how Hasbro is being really stingy with the Spider UK and Spider-Man 2099 figures. I mean, how could you only have fists for a Spider-Man figure? The lack of interchangeable hands limits the potential for great web-slinging and wall-crawl poses even though the figure has such great articulation. Hasbro could've also provided 2 blast effect parts for Spider-Man 2099's flight poses. What a shame.

Overall, the figure is strongly recommended if you love Spider-Man 2099. His suit design is well replicated on this figure and the new body mold is truly amazing. Its articulation is also good enough to get him into the many cool poses that he does in the comics. Although the lack of extra hands still proves to be an issue for posing, using hands from other figures (I used Civil War Black Panther's hands for this review) could be a good stand-in.

PS. Someone needs to start a petition that Hasbro include extra hands for ALL Spider-Man figures from the next wave onward!

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